Sunday, May 16, 2010

Research Question: What is the best possible compatibility match given between two (or more) people by the Myers Briggs assessment and how do we know?

  1. What types of people do you find yourself most comfortable with?
  2. What types do you find yourself having a hard time clicking with?
  3. Do you prefer being alone more or being in a relationship more?
Lily: ESFJ
  1. Outgoing and funny people.
  2. Emo people, outcasted, the types of people that stands in the corner because it's annoying and it brings down my mood.
  3. In a relationship. (But can you handle being alone?) No, because it's great to have a companion, someone you can turn to.
She enjoys hanging out with people who are more like her. She likes to have fun and likes surrounding herself with people who'll have fun with her. Here, compatibility is based on similarities and not differences... which makes sense because her boyfriend is ESFJ as well.

Dennis: ESFJ
  1. Gangsters... nah i'm just kidding. I don't know. I really don't know. I kind of work well with everyone. (Why do you think that is?) Because I'm a social bug. And I'm so sexy.
  2. Posers, people who try to be someone they're not. Like a guy who wears overalls and goes to Harlem and chills and try to be gangsta.
  3. I don't know. I'm so sexy that if I can't be in a relationship, then they're missing out... 'cause I'm so sexy. All jokes aside though, I could go either way. I'm never alone really 'cause I'm always with friends . I guess I'm afraid to be alone.
He gets along with almost everyone. He doesn't get along with people who aren't themselves around him. He's used to socializing and being in a relationship. Both him and Lily aren't used to being in solitude. Having people there is a necessity.

Andy: ISTP
  1. Those who are not loud, nor completely silent...and people whose only topic-of-discussion aren't just themselves.
  2. People who are loud, people who only talk about themselves. I also have a hard time, getting along with people who are "fake"...well maybe not fake, but people who try extra hard to project this identity that they want to get through to people.
  3. Alone. I mean, there's always a need to socialize....I think it's just cause I got used to being with people recently that I would have that urge. but yeah...alone- if you're around less people, there are less people around to annoy you.
He prefers a quieter environment. He likes surrounding himself more with thoughts and insights rather than the intrusion of other people. He prefers people who are more like his type, more introverted and thoughtful. It seems that most thinkers would want to be with other thinkers, but I don't know about feelers.

Raymond: INFP
  1. People who are open because I don't need to work as hard trying to communicate. They make it fun.
  2. (No comment)
  3. Relationship. I don't know why.
He's extremely introverted, so he prefers to interact with someone who is more extroverted. It's also surprising that he prefers being in a relationship since I would assume that introverts rather keep to themselves as opposed to sharing a lot of information with another person.

Sweetie: ESFP
  1. I love to be with crazy people, meaning they do extreme stuff, like super non nerdy =) Talkative, definitely. You will find none of what I say will match up with Adam xD
  2. The ones related to the feelings vs reality ones....he ones that ask me to make a decision about myself. For example, the ones like asking if i'm more emo or more judgmental.
  3. Relationship =)I don't stay single for long. (Why do you think you enjoy being in relationships more?) I don't like being lonely, wanna feel like someone's there for me.
She's more extroverted and prefer someone who is more like her, although she says her boyfriend is nothing like that. This makes me question if our preferences are really the qualities we are most compatible with or if they're merely preferences. Do we know what is best for us? She is also used to being in a relationship and takes it to be an essential part of her life.

Adam: ISTP
  1. I like being with insightful people.... that don't make stupid decisions meaning they think before they act.. they are mindful of people's feelings and can understand what people are realy like...
  2. Stupid people... those that disregard any logic and always think they're right, and that ignore people's thoughts.
  3. Hmmm... tough one, but I prefer to be in a relationship. Sometimes it pays to be have someone with you, just in case. And the other person can give a different perspective on your thoughts, broadening your perspective on the world.
He likes to be with people who are understanding and considerate, who are also P, I guess. He doesn't like it when people don't think. In his case, he is most compatible with T's and P's, like himself.

Rachel: ESFJ
  1. Um I feel most comfortable with people who are similar to me, who like the same things I do, who just enjoy having fun .
  2. I have a hard time clicking with snooty people, people who think they're all that, people who like to judge others the first time they see them.
  3. And I prefer being in a relationship more than being alone . Because I feel that humans thrive on social interactions, and we become who we are through the aid of others. By constantly being alone, we are neglecting ourselves from society, thus not developing our minds or learning new things.
She's most compatible with people who are like her type. Like the previous extroverts I interviewed, she enjoys being in a relationship more than being in solitude. She believes that the people we find ourselves interacting with becomes a part of who we are.

Survey Question: On a scale of 1-5, are you someone who only enjoys the company of people like you (1), or are you compatible with all types (5)?

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