Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1


I thought it was interesting that you described technology as a creation to fulfill our free time and all our boring moments. I can sense the negativity you have on the subject of the digital world and I respect how strongly you feel about it. I agree that the internet and all these new tools that we’ve developed has become sort of a time filler. But I don’t think that was what its initial purpose was intended to be. I think it was more of an innovation based solely on the idea of efficiency, but It has obviously turned into an object of entertainment.

Your view on the subject suggests that technology should be done away with which I partially agree with being that it does take away from our interest to pursue the more tangible things in life. It has taken up a lifestyle of laziness and a lower level of patience and willingness to conduct tedious manual labor. We no longer take time to stop and smell the roses. It’s more like chop down the trees and destroy the roses to make room for digitalization and ignorance. Like you said there is a possibility that the so-called advancements we are making can ultimately destroy us in the end. However, I sort of disagree on the fact that all digitalization does is ruin our lives and ours attempts to enjoy other experiences.

I agree with most of the ideas you are suggesting but it might make it clearer if you can be more specific in some areas. For example,, what are “the joy[s] that we really need as a human being” that is more meaningful than the internet, or that can last longer than the joy we receive from the internet? And what did we use to value that we apparently have lost today? Is it nature, everyday face-to-face conversations, physical activities? And why are they so much more significant and more focus-worthy than the digital realm?

It sounds like your perspective of these technological advancements are very disapproving. Is this view coming from experience or coming from someone that you know?

I would love to hear more about you insights relating to the subject. Your ideas that you post on your blog and say in class are always stimulating even though I know that half the time you’re playing devil’s advocate (lol).


I enjoyed reading your perspective and the positive attitude you have towards digital media. Unlike mine and Vincent's, yours seem to have a more positive approach to the subject. I liked how you explained why these advances in technology are so addicting and how you used your personal experiences to convey the message. You nipped it right in the bud. The fact that our phones and computers provide so many different usage options (emailing, IM-ing, texting, web surfing, calling etc.) and the fact that T.V. is a great way of socializing while at the same time entertaining is so true. These are the reasons why we are so drawn to them.

I liked how you separated the text into 4 different sections, each focusing in on a different object. This goes to show how digital media has expanded and covers an array of different instruments. I wonder what's next.

I thought it was interesting that you made the point about artists not being able to succeed to way they used to. The internet is all about free information and unfortunately, free movies and free music is part of that.

I feel like from your explanation of what you use the internet for (for your poetry and stuff) that you're a great example of someone who uses the net meaningfully and beneficially. Instead of being hooked onto social networking sites you are using the net for what it was meant to be, to share and to learn new information and insights on certain subjects.

The picture with the old couples was funny. It reminded me of the situation with Perez Hilton and how he decided to Twitter for help instead of calling 911 when he was attacked by Goes to show how people tend to feel the need for attention even during such serious situations. In my opinion, nobody needs to know what you're doing and thinking at all times. Like "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom!" Like okay, that's not even worth posting about. But it's this attention that a lot of people feed off from.

Based on your blog, you seem to enjoy using these digital devices a lot. Do you ever see any flaws in them besides the fact that they distribute free music? Do you think you'd be able to go without your Sidekick for a long period of time?

I really enjoyed reading your post and I appreciate the honesty in it. I feel the same way you do about technology, that it could be addicting, but when used the "right" way, the addiction doesn't always result in a bad outcome.

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