Sunday, December 6, 2009

HW 27: Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Street Interviews

Guy with Baby Stroller - He thought kids were cool no matter how the media portrays them, which are usually bratty kids that you can't handle and ruin your life.

College Student Walking to Class - "Coolness is a manufactured desire." I guess that's true because we invented this idea (of coolness) ourselves and chose to look at its image for guidance when the fact is we don't really have to. Or did he mean we only looked to tangible objects to increase coolness... I don't know. He didn't want to explain it to us. He didn't think he was cool and he advised us to read a book called Noble Rider and the Sound of Words written by a poet named Wallace Stevens.

Guy dressed Head to Toe in Electric Blue with Shades on - He didn't think he was cool. He thought being cool was being yourself ..typical. He believed that the way you dressed played a part in how cool you looked although when asked, his shades weren't for looking cool. He said he didn't like people looking into his eyes. Then he proceeds to take off his glasses. He said he admired entrepreneurs such as Jay Z who are "makin' money."

Lady Jogger - She does a lot of volunteer work. She used to work in PR, but now she's using the skills she gained there for things she actually care about: causes such as human trafficking and hunger in Africa. One cool trait of coolness she thought was integrity. She thought that those who used their popularity for power and gratifying their own egos were bad and unfortunately that's how most women sees it. For men though, she thought that they measure their coolness through how much they use their power to contribute to the community. The two celebrities she admired most were Susan Sarandon and Gloria Steinem because of their dedication to giving back to the community.

It's clear that the guy in blue and the female jogger both admired celebs that resembled themselves in some way.

Family Member

Rowena (Cousin) - She thinks cool is usually someone who is popular where everyone wants to be either her friend or be her. It's someone others idolize. They're people who are famous and goes for their dreams. "Do you find yourself striving to be cool?" "Oh yess! cause I will be famous and ceooo of microsoft! and be cool like taylor swift! and jb (jonas brothers). and live in cali!" When I asked her if she knew of anyone in her life that was cool, she said no, not even her friends... "and people in my school are retardedd, going to parties every weekendd and having hangoverrs lol."

My friend interviews were basically HW 26.

Additional Friend

Sweetie (yeah that's her real name) -
I asked her what's her perspective on "cool" and what attributes she would associate that with. She starts off with an ummm... "Ok, can I answer this personally as in I don't care if I offend anyone else? A "cool" person can't be nerdy. He has to be someone who is open to talk about everything. Oh one more thing, that person has to learn to not to judge. But yeah.....I think I'm cool, 'cause like my friends are all open to talk to me about everything, even the most sensitive things (eg. sex, drugs, family) and I know how to deal with a lot of these things so I teach them how to get through it and how not to get hurt. Oh and also guys feel comfortable talking to me about these things too. I'm proud. =)" Then I asked her about appearance and whether she thinks it plays a role in being cool or not. And she answered "Half and half. 'Cause someone can be cool inside but not showing. I think dressing is completely different from personality. I have lots of friends are like that. They dress mad nerdy but they think mad crazy. THIS APPLY TO LOTS OF GUYS TOO, so watch out."

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