Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW 38: Art Project Cool

The Cool Fool

The Cool Fool from Sandy G. on Vimeo.

We decided to shoot the video from the point of view of the new kid's classmates. Originally, we were going to shoot two different scenarios, one where everyone would think he's cool and the other uncool. But somehow, we ended up mixing the two and had a range of characters with different opinions about him because that just seemed more realistic. Instead of the nonchalant guy, we replaced it with someone who tries too hard to capture attention. He captures some and he hardly others. The ones he do capture though range from lust and admiration to annoyance and disgust. We were aiming for an The Office feel with the interviews. We hope that our portrayal of the scenario was realistic enough because hardly do we see anyone who is admired fully by everybody or hated by everybody. For every hater you earn, you earn someone else who likes you and vice versa. Cool is based on opinion and point of view and although that point can't be made any more obvious, we wanted to show a reenactment of how the situation can be like.

We didn't really do the video in order. We filmed a bunch of clips in random order and then edited them together into a storyline. We recorded a couple of the interviews first, then the gym scene, then the cafeteria scene, and after that a couple more interviews to link the scenes together. It was a little frustrating at first because we weren't sure what to say in our interviews given the fact that there was no scene to refer to but we ended up adapting the scenes to the interviews. I did a little of the filming, and helped with the editing as well.

Making art is cool, but I think it's only considered cool when you do it well. Art is basically self expression aka originality in the making, which is what Cool is all about. Cool is knowing yourself, being able to define yourself, and being different from the crowd. It's cool to be artistic and being good at expressing yourself through words, painting, film etc. I don't think I'm the creative type. I used to think I was and then I saw how much better people were at drawing, making videos, writing poetry etc. For example, Rachel and I came across a guy at Union Square the other day making a picture on the ground with nothing but colored sand and his hands. There was a big crowd surrounded his artwork and everyone was just in awe, taking pictures and stuff. We found out the next day that his picture was in the newspaper. When people create something we've never seen before, it makes us curious to know where the idea came from. I think having creative skills sort of shows how much more original and abstracted minded you are as a person.

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